Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Kanneliya Low Land Rain Forest

Rain forests consist the highest bio diversity any place in the land its speciality is the endemism where most of the endemic fauna and flora recorded in these magnificent rain forests.

These forests have a unique identity of fauna & flora adapted to the habitat. They are the gene pools of 21 century and most of the species not yet discovered.Kanneliya is one of the few remaining magica low land ever greenl rain forests about 5108.2 Hectares .

Combined with another two rain forests called Nakiyadeniya & Dediyagala makes a complex called KDN
Inside the forest there is a thick & a lush canapé and the sun light peeping through the canapé creates vivid beauty.

Different tree species of canapés floristically & physiognomic ally is much similar to low land rain forests of Malaysia. The small trees in the lower layer are having a silent competition to kiss the sunlight. This region is identified as floristically richest area in south Asia.Kanneliya has a presence of 301 floral species, 52% endemic. Small streams coming from many directions of the forest have create a real atmosphere of a rain forest.

111 small streams have been identified from the forest which creates a perfect habitat to rare endangered Sri Lankan fresh water fishes .
Path is wide & shady. By the side of the road you will be able to see some fine specimens of flora unique to our rain forest.

As soon as you enter the forest you will hear numerous calls of birds, more than 120 species of birds are recorded from Kanneliya out of which 18 are endemic.

Some of the caves you will encounter in the trail are home to day time resting bats (bat colonies). Water flowing over a gently sloping rock over the surface with crystal clear water with a rich diversity of aquatic & amphibians with many tree frog species.
Sudden drop of sun light through the canapés makes the butterflies so active making it a picture of paradise. Endemic and rare Ceylon rose, blue oak leaf, Ceylon bird wing are some of the beautiful and important butterfly species found here.

With all these the most unforgettable attraction is the breath taking Anagimala Ella, symbol of Kanneliya
and another beautiful water fall called Nannikitha Ella.

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