Tuesday, January 13, 2015

YALA National Park

Yala National park which is situated in the arid zone of Sri Lanka is one of the most beautiful and rich Bio diversity National Parks in the Island. Yala is the second largest National Park in the Island and is divided into 5 blocks. Visitors are allowed to visit Yala block 1, which is 14100 ha. Dry zone scrub forest, rocky outcrops, sand dunes and river rind forest are the main vegetation type in the Park.

Yala is home to many dry zone fauna and flora. It’s an ideal place to study about dry zone bird life as well as  mammals. It is a world famous place to see leopards. The leopard is the most difficult big cat to spot in the world. According to research, Yala block 1 has the highest concentration of leopards any where in the world. It is one of the best places to see leopards during the day time in Asia. Generally wild cats are most rare and difficult animals to spot, but with a good guide Yala is a one of the best places where a sighting a leopard could be achieved within one or two safaris.

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