Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Horton Plains - Natures Small Miracle

Horton Plains National Park is probably the worlds best nature reserve with extrodinery fauna and flora diversity. It is a protected area in the central highlands of Sri Lanka and is covered by montane grassland and cloud forest. The mean annual rainfall is greater than 2,000 millimetres (79 in).  The mean annual temperature is 13 °C (55 °F) and drpping as low as 5 °C (41 °F) at night. At an altitude of 2,100–2,300 metres (6,900–7,500 ft)it is rich in biodiversity and many species found here are endemic to the region. It is a popular tourist destination and is situated 32 kilometres (20 mi) from Nuwara Eliya.

The headwaters of three major Sri Lankan rivers, the Mahaweli, Kelani, and Walawe comes from hotron plains mountain tops. In Sinhala the plains are known as Maha Eliya Plains. Stone tools dating back to Balangoda culture have been found here. The plains' vegetation is grasslands and montane forest, and includes many endemic woody plants.  Sambar Deer and also many endamic birds  are found. 

The original name of the national park is Maha Eliya Thenna. But in the British period the park was renamed after Sir Robert Wilmot-Horton, who is believed to be responsible for the slaying of elephants to extinction in horton plains area. 

The land area covered by Horton Plains is 3,160 hectares. Horton Plains contains the most extensive area of cloud forest still existing in Sri Lanka. On July 2010, the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka, Horton Plains National Park, was inscribed on the World Heritage List. 

How to get there?
From Colombo, the journey to Horton Plains is a five- or six-hour trip by road. National Park situated in the Hill Country and falls within the Nuwara Eliya district and is 200 km away from Colombo. It can be accessed by traveling from Nuwara Eliya through "Ohiya". And Nuwaraeliya to Ambewela then Horton Plains.

Flora and fauna
Rhododendron arboreum is the predominant tree species in the park.The vegetation of the park is classified into two distinctive groups, wet patana (Sinhalese for "montane grasslands") and subtropical montane evergreen forests. The forest canopy reaches the height of 20 metres (66 ft) and features Calophyllum walkeri, forming communities with varieties of Myrtaceae species such as Syzygium rotundifolium, and S. sclerophyllum, and Lauraceae members including Litsea, Cinnamomum, and Actinodaphne speciosa. The undergrowth layer is characterised by Strobilanthes spp. The thickness of the Strobilanthes vegetation hinders the development of a herb layer. Dwarf bamboo species such Indocalamus and Ochlandra also found in the undergrowth layer. Rhodomyrtus tomentosa bushes specially grow in forest margin and near the mountain peaks. Species such as Gordonia and Rhododendron arboreum have spread to Sri Lanka, along the Western Ghats of South India from the Himalayas and are now common. Nearly 54 woody plant species have been recorded from the park, of which 27 (50%) are endemic to Sri Lanka.

Frequent fire and grazing characterises Plagioclimax communities of the grassland flora. Grasslands are dominated by Arundinella villosa and Chrysopogon zeylanicus. Waterlogged swamps or slow moving streams are found in low lying areas, and macrophytes such as Aponogeton jacobsenii, sedge species Isolopis fluitans and Utricularia spp. are found near the slow moving streams. The bamboo Chimonobambusa densifolia thrive along the banks of the streams, and near the swampy areas grass species such as Juncus prismatocarpus, Garnotia mutica, Eriocaulon spp. and Exacum trinervium are common. Tussock grasses such as Chrysopogon zeylanicus and Cymbopogon confertiflorus are found in the wet hollows. Herbaceous flora of the grasslands include temperate species including Ranunculus, Pedicularis, Senecio, Gentiana and Alchemilla and also tropical species such as Eriocaulon and Ipsea speciosa (a rare endemic daffodil orchid). The most widespread boreal herbaceous plants of the park are Viola, Lobelia, Gaultheria, Fragaria, and Plantago.
Tree trunks and branches are ornamented with many species of ferns, Lycopodium, lichens, and orchids. Old man's beard (Usnea barbata) hanging from branches adds to the beauty of the forests. About 16 of the orchid species being endemic. Other notable plants include shrubs such as Gaultheria fragrantissima, herbs, Exacum trinervium, E. walkeri, Drosera indica, and tree ferns Cyathea spp. Anzia, a foliose lichen genus belonging to Parmeliaceae family, which had not been recorded in Sri Lanka previously, was discovered here in 2007. There are conflicting views on how the grasslands of the park came into being, whether man-made or natural. It is now believed that the grasslands on the dry slopes were created by forest clearance and fires while grasslands in low lying areas were naturally created by wet conditions, frost and soil erosion.

Sri Lankan Sambar Deer found in large herds. The Sri Lankan Elephant disappeared from the region in the 1940s at the latest. At present, the largest and the most commonly seen mammal is the Sambar Deer. Some research findings estimate the population of Sambar Deer to be around 1500 to 2000, possibly more than the carrying capacity of the plains. Other mammal species found in the park include Kelaart's Long-clawed Shrews, Toque Macaques, Highland Bear Monkey, Rusty-spotted Cat, Sri Lankan Leopards, Wild boars, Stripe-necked Mongooses, Sri Lankan Spotted Chevrotains, Indian Muntjacs, and Grizzled giant squirrels. Fishing Cats and European Otters visit the wetlands of the park to prey on aquatic animals.  The Highland  Slender Loris is found only in highlands of Sri Lanka and is considered one of the world's most endangered primates. 

Horton Plains forms one of the Important Bird Areas in Sri Lanka. Together with Peak Wilderness Sanctuary,

About 15 amphibian species inhabit the park. Among them are Microhyla zeylanica, Ramanella palmata, Fejervarya greenii, Rana gracilis, Philautus alto, Philautus femoralis, Philautus frankenbergi, Philautus microtympanum, Philautus schmarda, and Polypedates eques. six snakes  recorded from the plains. They are Calotes nigrilabris, Rhino Horn Lizard, Cophotis ceylanica, Lankascincus taprobanensis, Common rough-sided snake, and Rat snake. Two fish species found in the park, common carp and rainbow trout. Both are introduced species. Horton Plains is also home to many endemic crustaceans including Caridina singhalensis and Perbrinckia species. The endemic freshwater shrimp Caridina singhalensis is found only in streams that have a temperature of less than 15 degrees C and is now restricted to only a stretch of 10 km of one stream. 

Between 1831 and 1948, it became a Sambar deer hunting ground. Elephants and Wild Boar were also hunted to a lesser extent. During this period lower slopes were cleared initially for coffee and then for tea plantations. As a result, Horton Plains and Peak Wilderness became isolated from other forest and grassland areas. Potatoes were cultivated in the grasslands but planting ceased in 1977. After being declared a National Park, these areas were reinstated as grasslands. Tourism-related issues such as plant removal, littering, fires and noise pollution are major issues. Gem mining, timber logging, the collection of plants for ornamental and medicinal purposes, encroachment, poaching and vehicle traffic are the other threats. The spread of invasive alien species such as Gorse (Ulex europaeus), brackens, and Pennisetum spp. threaten the native flora.
Some Sambar deer have died due to eating polythene litter and visitors are banned from bringing polythene into the park

A recent threat, first reported in 1978, is forest dieback. In some areas, especially in the peripheral region, this has been severe with nearly a 50% in vegetation. Water deficiency has been attributed as the main cause of dieback as droughts are becoming more frequent. Regrowth of forest is disturbed by frost which is severe. The forest dieback has affected 22 species of plants with Calophyllum walkeri being the most affected. A study has suggested that low Calcium causes soil acidification and increased toxicity caused by metallic elements such as Aluminium may be causing the dieback. Leaching of nutrients and the resulting imbalance in soil micronutrients may also be contributing to the dieback.

World's End a sheer precipice with a 870 m (2,854 ft) drop. It is situated at the southern boundary of the park. Another cliff known as the Lesser World's End of 270 m (886 ft) is located not far from World's End. 

Baker's Falls, a waterfall formed by Belihul Oya, a tributary of the Walawe River is named after Sir Samuel Baker, a hunter and explorer who attempted to establish a European agricultural settlement at Nuwara Eliya. The falls are 20 metres (66 ft) high. 

Slab Rock Falls is another well known waterfall in the plains.
Kirigalpottha Mountain (10.5 Km on walk)
Totupola Mountain (Entrance at Pattipola road)
Ambewela (11Km)
Pattipola (8Km)
Ohiya (7Km)
Udaweriya Estate (5Km)

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